Meet the Team


Meet Angelique Clark

Ange is a highly experienced, multi-skilled and recognised industry-qualified Advanced Sports Dietitian (ASD), Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) and Nutritionist (AN), Level 1 Anthropometrist (ISAK), Exercise Physiologist (ESSA) and the creator of the Peri Lean Method and the Peri Menu Plan.

Ange has worked extensively with elite fitness and figure athletes and strength and weight category competitors as well as fitness centres and celebrities for transformation campaigns for well over 15 years. Ange is the leading Sports Dietitian in Australia solely specialising in nutrition for perimenopause. She only consults to active women over 40 navigating the menopause transition to ensure your figure and health is in optimal position to support your health-span, navigating career and family demands, supporting your hormonal change and creating the perfect landscape for you to perimenosoar, not suffer.

Our Dietitians specialise in understanding the difference in female physiology and prescribing nutrition to specifically support sustainable body re-composition, maximising daily performance and honouring women’s health through the different stages of hormonal change.


2004 Certificate III & IV in Fitness & Fitness Instructor

2005 Bachelor of Human Movement Studies [Exercise Science with Honors]

2009 Masters of Nutrition & Dietetics [Public Health with Honors]

2009 lnternational Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK) Level 1 Anthropometrist

2010 Sports Dietitians Australia Sports Nutrition Course

2013 International Olympic Committee Diploma in Elite Sports Nutrition

2020 Dr Stacy Sims Nutrition Certification in Female Sports Physiology

Meet Catherine Fallon 

Senior Accredited Dietitian, Nutritionist and Exercise Scientist


Catherine is a passionate Senior Accredited Dietitian, Nutritionist and Exercise Scientist with over 15 years’ of experience working across some of the world’s most exclusive private clinics with high-level CEO’s, business owners and celebrities in both London and Australia.

Catherine is on a mission to ‘shake up’ the women's health space - with a goal to raise not just awareness and education around female physiology and evidence-based nutrition principles - but most importantly to provide individualised guidance and support to ensure women flourish and thrive across midlife.  Women deserve a safe space to achieve their goals, perform at their peak in all aspects of daily life, and improve their health outcomes for high quality longevity.

Catherine specialises in a sustainable approach towards self-empowerment, healthy food relationships, daily movement, body acceptance and optimal gut health, supporting the mid-life busy, professional female to adequately fuel for optimal life performance with a focus on managing hormonal changes and symptoms, navigating social settings, eating out wisely, and managing the daily CEO ‘juggle’ nutritionally.

After years of supporting women, noticing inconsistent outcomes and identifying a gap in the female research space could not wait to dive into perimenopause, menopause and early menopause as a specialty to revolutionise the approach towards female support based on emerging science.

Work with us to support your best menopause transition!

Please see the many ways we can support you on your journey to perimenosoar.

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