It's time to let your wings out so you can finally soar. 

Let me guide your peri-nutrition journey through a place of self-discovery, understanding and fundamental skills to equip you in learning how to sustainably fuel a high performing midlife. 



It's time to let your wings out so you can finally soar. 

Let me guide your nutrition journey through a place of self-discovery, understanding and fundamental skills to equip you in learning how to sustainably fuel a high performing lifestyle. 




You've tried every diet imaginable and it's possibly worked (for the time you were on it), and even though you didn't think it was good enough at the time, you would give anything to go back to the body you had a decade ago. 

You hit 40 and your body stopped working for you, you might have thought your willpower had waned and you started beating up on yourself for failing yet again or maybe this time you gave it everything you had, trained twice as hard, and reduced your intake by more, and your body STILL didn't come to the party after your justified efforts.

Over the process you lost connection and trust with who you are chasing, and besides your expanding waistline you're noticing your period is irregular, your brain isn't as sharp, you're constantly exhausted and your thermostat is broken but surely you're too young to be menopausal?!


Imagine if... 

You learnt to finally understand and care for your body for it to function as the queen it was designed as, embrace the midlife hormonal changes that happen around 40 and had permission to nourish instead of starve your existence, all in a environment lead by an experienced industry professional dedicated to transforming perimenopausal women inside and out?

  • Learn real science-based, results-driven perimenopause nutrition principles

  • Enjoy delicious recipes your family can also enjoy without flavour fatigue, having to count calories or starve yourself

  • Understand how your hormones are changing in midlife, how to manage a long list of common symptoms and be compassionate to your body even though it feels completely foreign to you right now 

  • Consciously meet your inner mean b*tch, how she imprinted herself in your brain and how to challenge the thoughts, emotions and consequent actions that keep you stuck and self sabotaging

  • Apply under professional guidance what it really takes for safe, scientific, sustainable fat loss and the detrimental trade off when weight loss is your only focus

  • Feed your gut microbiome to avoid illness and optimise your mood and life enjoyment 

  • Take the last opportunity before menopause to set you up for longevity 

Nourish Your Midlife Transition In A Way You Can Enjoy & Sustain!


Finding Your Wings

A 12 week online GROUP COACHING PROGRAM designed for women 40+ to learn how to eat, think and create habits that will explode your midlife performance. 


When you join you get access to:

  • 100+ Scientifically designed peri-recipes, macro exchange lists & peri-pantry guide
  • 7x fundamental peri-nutrition education modules 
  • Reflection & action tasks to consolidate learnings and progress
  • 7x Fortnightly LIVE coaching calls + replays with Ange Clark (Australia's Leading Perimenopause Physique Dietitian) where you can ask ANY questions you need!
  • Peri-performance metrics & symptom trackers
  • A supportive private community of wonderful midlife women managed by a qualified Nutrition Professional
  • 12 month access to course resources, modules and content
  • Exclusive invitation into the Continue to Soar Membership after graduation

"I feel like I have more energy, my clothes are fitting better and I have not felt deprived in any way through following what Ange recommends."


"I have thoroughly enjoyed the Finding Your Wings modules. It has set in place for me the foundations of healthy eating which I have been lacking for some time. I love Ange's approach to nutrition and the encouragement she gives to eat for nourishment and fuel. It's been a game changer for myself who previously had been an "All or Nothing" person. I have enjoyed learning how to eat to get the most out of training and everyday life. I feel like I have more energy, my clothes are fitting better and I have not felt deprived in any way through following what Ange recommends. Many thanks!"


"You are just sooooo giving and I don’t recall ANY course, workshop, lecture, speech, study of ANY kind that I have done that provided the level of detail and care"

“I wish I had of had nutrition presented to me in this way when I was in my sporting career. You are just sooooo giving and I don’t recall ANY course, workshop, lecture, speech, study of ANY kind that I have done that provided the level of detail and care to what you are giving in this series. You seriously must be exhausted at the end of the week but every time I see you, you are fresh and full of energy. I have begun some great conversations with my 16 year old daughter on aspects of the course that I believe may be relevant to her around her cycle and fuelling for overall health and pursuit of sport and activity. Thankyou!"





Female Physiology Foundations

Learn about your female body, understand how you are unique physically and unleash your superpowers.


Female Nutrition Foundations

Learn to set up a successful performance kitchen and nourish your body with these female nutrition foundations.


Self Sabotage & Emotional Eating

Learn the reasons you can hold yourself back and distinguish between the reasons we fall into food for comfort.


Fat Loss Science & Energy Balance Concepts

Learn the science behind how your body burns fat and the nuances of the energy balance equation to help sustainable results.


Alcohol & Effects on Female Physiology

Uncover how the body processes alcohol and the effects this has on the female in particular and how this impacts health.


Nutrition Psychiatry

How what you eat has a direct relationship to mental health and why gut health is so paramount to overall success.


Perimenopause & Menopause Nutrition

How to adjust your nutrition to best support your decline in hormones as you age. 

"Feeling motivated and grateful to have a better understanding of so many things such as my physiology and the connection with food"

"The time seems to have passed very quickly. Although I had some good foundations, this course has filled so many gaps for me. Feeling motivated and grateful to have a better understanding of so many things such as my physiology and the connection with food. Thanks Angelique for a wonderful journey that is life and shape changing."


"Ange's personality & content is so wonderful & makes me want to do better"

"I absolutely love this course. Ange's personality & content is so wonderful & makes me want to do better, with the tools & support to think differently & identify things that would otherwise be missed."


Hi, I'm Angelique Clark

I’m Australia's leading Perimenopause Nutrition Expert, Advanced Physique Sports Dietitian and Exercise Physiologist. I'm also a busy active Mum over 40 that loves to nourish her family and get the most out of life, to continue to enjoy it fully

I have been transforming women's figures and lives for over 20 years on a mission to un-complicate nutrition, help women understand and reconnect with their bodies, give you permission to eat and to put evidence-informed professionalism back into how to do it, to lead the high performing midlife you now deserve.

Finding your Wings is the exhilarating, joyful nutrition experience most women wish they had before they turned 40. It's about time you took the leap so I can help you find your wings and perimenosoar!

Got questions?

"Ange gives you the building blocks to succeed. It is not a fad, there was no guilt. It was all about science"

"What I loved about the Finding your Wings course is that Ange gives you the building blocks to succeed. It is not a fad, there was no guilt. It was all about science - understanding the principles of how to balance your diet with exercise routine and changes in our physiology - and how to make great, nutritious choices everyday, finding joy in movement and being active and still enjoying the treats! Ange is such an energetic and inspiring leader in this space and I thoroughly recommend this program."


"Feeling confident and empowered, particularly as an active female over 40, is incredibly important to me and Finding Your Wings has uplifted and inspired me."

“Thank you so much for teaching me such valuable information! Ange is professional, supportive, and knowledgeable, providing evidence-based information in a manner that is easy to digest and implement. The resources provided were practical and useful. Feeling confident and empowered, particularly as an active female over 40, is incredibly important to me and Finding Your Wings has uplifted and inspired me. I am so grateful I did this course."


Learn how you can finally ditch the diets that aren't designed for you, understand how to embrace your female superpowers and unleash the potential a nourishing diet has beyond merely your figure.


Ready to soar?